I've being thinking in how a small doubt inside the heart can change ones entire life. It is happening to me now, and what do I have to tell you? Well, it hurts, but it is far way better than living a lie.
I'll be back soon.....
Trust me.. I will!
Here is a fresh pic... I took it yesterday morning… you gotta believe me, it was really morning (6 am) and she was ready to go to the day care. But at 6am? Yes, she was!

4 comentários:
Muito fofinha!!!!!!!!
Ai que fofa.. e sim, Dylan também aorda com a corda toda as 6 da manhã!
sua filha é liiiiiinda viu??
claro que podemos nos conhecer, vai ser muito legal ein?
que tal organizarmos um encontro de gastro aqui em BH? :)))
6am???? ah que saudades dos meus quando eram pequenuchos. De lá pra cá...até hj, ainda acordo as 6 da manha.
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